While she was a student at New York University, Mickela travelled all around the world experiencing dancing with locals. That’s how she found her way: discovering the roots of different cultures through the power of dance, a universal language that overcomes differences and borders.
Mickela started working on her project in 2010 and now she runs the third season of her TV show, “Bare Feet” – on NYC Life since June, on PBS from October – for which she has already been awarded two Emmy Awards (she has personally won four of them). The way Mickela works is simple: she visits a place, and ask local people to teach her their traditional dances. As an Italian American, her heritage plays a big role in it: she has grown up attending Italian feasts and celebrations, in which men and women in colorful costumes dance the way their ancestors did. “Dancing – says Mickela – has brought me back to my roots, and as an Italian American I’m proud to have discovered how deep they are”. Now her exploration continues, a dance at a time, carrying along that curiosity for the wonder so typical of her ancestry.