ComedianThe man of the three "Fs"
Jay Leno was born in 1950 in New Rochelle, New York. His mother was Scottish, his father Angelo was an insurance salesman born in New York from an Italian family with Flumeri, Campania, ancestry. Jay was raised in Massachusetts, where he graduated in speech therapy but the call of the stage was too strong to resist. Still in college, he started a comedy club. And, just four years after graduation, he made his first appearance on “The Tonight Show”. A star was born.
In his garage in Burbank, California, by now one of the most famous around the world, he has about 286 vehicles (somewhat 169 cars and 117 motorbikes). Among them he also owns a McLaren F1 supercar and sometimes he lends his jewels to Hollywood productions, as it happened in 1997 for the shooting of “Batman & Robin”.
Besides entertainment and motors, Jay has a true big, Italian heart. He and his wife donate to women’s self determination causes, support education, help the muscular dystrophy and the autism research, and back the veterans in need. Any flaws? Of course he has. But, as he always says, “You can’t stay mad at somebody who makes you laugh”.